Are You Being Pressured into Having Sex? - TheHopeLine Are You Being Pressured into Having Sex? - TheHopeLine Being pressured to have sex in a dating relationship is more common than most .... really helped, i hope you help others too and keep on doing what you are doing:D ... I just broke up with my boyfriend because he kept pressuring me to have sex. ... Val I in the same boat I went to chuch with this guy and he was a good guy ..., https: What is the hardest thing about being a man? : What is the hardest thing about being a man? : 14 Dec 2015 ... Remember when Hulk Hogan had a sex tape leaked? ... I about snapped on one lady when she made the comment to my daughter"I bet you can\'t wait for the weekend to be over so you ... I want her to have a great life as with any good parent I want her to have a life that is ... I hope she dies in a fire ♪♪., Love